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The planning of employment (including the creation of new posts, filling vacant posts) aimed to maintain optimum level and structure of employment, with a view to ensure proper and efficient fulfilment of all tasks, shall take place at the level of the individual UW organisational units (faculties and university-wide organisational units of the University of Warsaw).

The basic component of employment planning is the process of planning the obligatory annual teaching hours (pensum) which takes place in faculties/other organisational units. This process involves determining and assigning teaching hours to academic teachers for a given academic year. The primary objective is to ensure that all teaching duties are fulfilled and human resources used to the optimum.

The faculty deans / heads of the other organisational units pursue the personal policy of a given faculty / other units, i.e.

  • they present the Rector with requests for consent to the announcement of a competition for the position of an academic teacher;
  • they announce the competitions for the positions of academic teachers;
  • the present the Rector with the applications for employment and change in the terms and conditions of employment for academic teachers, as well as apply for the termination of employment relationship with an academic teacher.

  1. Research and teaching employment group:
    • professor,
    • university professor,
    • visiting professor,
    • assistant professor,
    • senior assistant,
    • assistant.
  2. Research employment group:
    • professor,
    • university professor,
    • visiting professor,
    • assistant professor,
    • visiting researcher,
    • senior assistant,
    • assistant.
  3. Teaching employment group:
    • professor,
    • university professor,
    • visiting lecturer,
    • docent,
    • assistant professor,
    • senior assistant,
    • assistant,
    • lector,
    • instructor.

The position of academic teacher shall be recruited through the following procedures:

  • open competition,
  • internal promotion,
  • re-employment in the same position,
  • transfer to a position in another employment group at the University.

The first employment of an academic teacher for an indefinite or fixed term exceeding three months, for the period exceeding one-half of the full-time basis, shall be conducted through an open competition.

Employment as:

  • an assistant (in the teaching employment group),
  • an assistant professor,
  • a university professor (in the research hand teaching employment group and research employment group),

shall be appointed after an open competition.

If an academic teacher was previously employed without an open competition in connection with:

  • being assigned to work at a university under a contract concluded with the Łukasiewicz Centre, a Łukasiewicz Network institute or a foreign research institution;
  • being a beneficiary of an undertaking, programme, or competition announced by NAWA, NCBiR, NCN, or international competition for a research project;
  • the implementation of a research or teaching project financed
    1. with funds from the European Union budget,
    2. by another entity awarding a grant

or in a position for which no competition is required, the employment relationship shall be established after an open competition.


If academic teachers are employed in projects, particular attention should be paid to the guidelines concerning the employment rules included in the grant contract or in the rules of participation in the programme, because they may include indications concerning the need to recruit researchers through open competitions. An open competition procedure is necessary even if the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science allows for employment without following the competition procedure if the contract or participation rules (e.g. H2020) explicitly refer to the application of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (the condition for eligibility of staff costs in projects). More information on H2020 employment and useful forms are available here.

Academic teachers employed at the University of Warsaw as professors for an indefinite period who have outstanding scientific, teaching and organisational achievements may be awarded the status of full professor by the Rector upon a positive opinion of the Senate. The evaluation of achievements and accomplishments of a professor in the procedure for granting the status of full professor is carried out by a committee, including on the basis of the evaluation of reviewers, in accordance with the principles laid down in Ordinance No. 107 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 27 September 2019 on defining detailed rules and procedures for granting the status of full professor at the University of Warsaw.

Initiation of the procedure

The procedure for granting the status of full professor is initiated by the Rector, after consultation with the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit, or at the request of the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit.

Appointment and composition of the committee

The committee is appointed by the Rector and consists of three persons, indicated by the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit. The chairperson of the committee is appointed by the Rector from among its members. At least half of the members of the committee participate in its meeting, however, not less than 5 persons, including at least one person appointed by the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit.

Appointment of reviewers

The committee appoints reviewers holding the academic title of professor, including at least one from outside the University (the requirement to hold the academic title of professor does not apply to reviewers who have outstanding scientific achievements and are employed at foreign universities or institutions) who review the professor’s experience, accomplishments and scientific, teaching and organisational achievements.

The procedure for assessing candidates

The committee, bearing in mind the reviews received, shall make an assessment taking into account in particular whether the candidate:

  • has an outstanding, internationally recognised academic record,
  • has made a significant impact on the development of the field,
  • is a leader of a research group, is a leader of the discipline on a national level,
  • has teaching achievements and significant contribution to the teaching and learning of young staff,
  • has organisational achievements.

After the assessment, the committee decides whether or not to recommend that the candidate be granted full professor status.

Granting the status

If the committee gives its recommendation, the Rector grants the candidate the status of full professor after obtaining the opinion of the faculty council or the council of the university-wide organisational unit (this does not apply if the status of full professor is granted on the Rector’s initiative) and a positive opinion of the Senate on granting the candidate the status of full professor.

Competitions for the positions of an academic teacher are announced and conducted on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 20 July 2018 – the Law on Higher Education and Science, the provisions of the Statute of the University of Warsaw and Ordinance No. 106 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 27 September 2019 on defining detailed rules and procedures for conducting a competition for the position of an academic teacher at the University of Warsaw.

Giving consent to the announcement of a competition

1.The competition for the position of an academic teacher shall be announced by

  • the Rector on his own initiative;
  • the dean of a faculty, after consultation with the faculty council, with the consent of the Rector;
  • the head of a university-wide organisational unit, after consultation with the council of the university-wide organisational unit, if the rules and regulations of the unit provide for the appointment of the council, with the consent of the Rector.

2. The announcement of the competition should include at least: the name of the position; the employment group (research, teaching, research and teaching); the number of positions to be filled; a statement of the requirements for the candidate; a statement of the qualification criteria and the requirements for the candidate not lower than those specified for individual positions in the Act and the Statute; an indication of the scientific discipline or disciplines in which the academic teacher is to carry out research (for positions in the research employment group or the research and teaching employment group); definition of the main duties and responsibilities; working conditions (i.a.: the employment period and the date of beginning of employment, the organisational unit where the work will be carried out, the number of working hours); information that candidates should submit a declaration that they have read and accept the rules governing the competitions; an information clause – information on the processing of personal data for a candidate for a job at the University of Warsaw, together with a consent clause for the processing of personal data provided under the Labour Code and provided to the University voluntarily by the candidate, a list of the documents required; the method of submitting the documents (in person, by post or electronically) as well as the deadline for the submission of the documents, which may not be earlier than 30 days from the date of publication of the announcement; the date when the outcome of the competition is expected and the method of informing candidates of the competition results; information that the competition is the first stage of the procedure for employment for the position of an academic teacher as provided for in the Statute of the University of Warsaw, and that a positive outcome of the competition provides the basis for further proceedings.

3. Applications for the announcement of competitions should be submitted using the form: Application for consent to announce a competition for the position of an academic teacher (Appendix No. 1 to Ordinance No. 106 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 27 September 2019).

4. A competition is announced by making its terms publicly available, with the requirement that information about the competition must be made available:

  • in the BIP of the University of Warsaw,
  • on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
  • in English on the European Commission website, which is the European portal for mobile researchers dedicated to researchers’ vacancies (EURAXESS).

The appointment and composition of competition committees

1. The competition committee and its chairperson shall be appointed:

  • in competitions announced by the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit – by the dean or the head of a university-wide organisational unit after consultation with the faculty council or the council of the university-wide organisational unit if a council has been established in the unit;
  • in competitions announced by the Rector – by the Rector; however, the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit may nominate candidates for this committee.

2. A competition committee may be either a standing committee – appointed for the term of office of the dean of a faculty or the term of office of the head of a university-wide organisational unit, or an ad hoc committee – appointed to conduct and settle a specific competition or competitions;

3. The committee shall be composed of at least five persons, at least 20% of whom shall be persons from outside the faculty or the university-wide organisational unit and, in the case of a competition for a position in the research employment group or research and teaching employment group; additionally, at least 20% of the committee shall be persons indicated by the academic council of the academic discipline which is relevant for the academic discipline in which the academic teacher is to conduct research. If more than one discipline is specified, the relevant academic council shall indicate one person for each discipline.

4. The chairperson of the competition committee shall exclude a committee member who:

  • is a spouse, relative or relative by blood up to the second degree inclusive of the candidate;
  • is related by adoption, guardianship or custody to the candidate;
  • has such a legal or factual relationship with the candidate that it may raise justified doubts as to the impartiality of that member;
  • is entering the competition.

Submitting an application

Applications may be submitted either in person, by post or by e-mail. In the case of electronic application (e-mail), applications and attached documents should be in PDF format, indicating the name of the candidate and the position to which the application relates in the name of the file sent.

Interviews with candidates

The committee may decide to carry out an interview with the candidates, including by means of electronic communication tools (teleconference and video conference).


In a competition for the position of professor, a university professor in the research employment group or research and teaching employment group, a university professor in the teaching employment group – the candidate’s record, experience, and achievements are subject to the assessment of a reviewer(s) to be indicated by the competition committee.

The procedure for selecting and assessing candidates, announcement of the competition results

Following the preliminary selection procedure, which consists in reviewing the documents submitted by the candidates, assessing their completeness and admitting the candidates who meet the formal requirements to further proceedings, the committee may conduct a preliminary assessment of the candidates’ scientific, teaching and organisational achievements in order to identify those candidates who are eligible for the next stage, including an interview. In assessing the candidates’ scientific, teaching and organisational achievements, the committee shall take into account, in particular:

  • compliance with the requirements set out in the competition announcement,
  • compliance with the competition committee’s criteria for assessing candidates,
  • reviews (if applicable),
  • the outcome of the interview with the candidate.

The candidate or candidates who obtain the highest number of points but not less than 51% of the maximum number of points shall be declared the winner of the competition. Each member of the committee may award a candidate a total number of points between 0 and 100. If candidates receive the same number of points, the chairperson of the committee shall order a vote, and each member of the committee may vote for only one candidate. The candidate who obtains the highest number of votes wins the competition.

The dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit may determine a different procedure for the assessment and selection of candidates by the competition committee.

The chairperson of the committee presents the candidate or candidates who received the highest number of points to the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit or, in the case of competitions announced by the Rector, to the Rector, together with a report on the proceedings of the competition committee, drawn up in accordance with the model constituting Appendix No. 2 to Ordinance No. 106 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 27 September 2019.

Conclusion of the competition and justification of the result

No later than 30 days after the competition is concluded, the information on the result of the competition, along with the justification, shall be announced in the following publications:

  • BIP of the University of Warsaw,
  • the Ministry of Science and Higher Education website.

The information should indicate the winner of the competition, i.e. the name and surname, professional title, degree or academic title of the candidate or candidates if more posts were to be filled.

The competition committee shall provide a justification for the competition result.

At the candidate’s request, the chairperson of the competition committee shall give the candidate access to information on the composition of the competition committee, the selection criteria adopted by the competition committee, the ranking positions obtained with the marks awarded, and the committee’s recorded observations on the candidate’s compliance with the requirements and assessment criteria.

Closing the competition procedure without conclusion

If there are no candidates who meet the formal conditions, the chairperson of the competition committee closes the competition procedure, draws up a report and immediately notifies the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit of the results of the preliminary selection procedure.

If none of the candidates reaches the minimum threshold of 51% of the maximum number of points, the chairperson of the committee closes the competition procedure, draws up a report and immediately informs the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit of the results of the preliminary selection procedure.

In the event of no candidates applying, the absence of candidates meeting the formal conditions or the failure of any candidate to achieve the minimum threshold of 51% of the maximum number of points, the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit may announce the competition again without applying for consent.

Informing candidates about competition results

The chairperson of the competition committee notifies the candidates about the competition results by the means specified in the competition announcement (letter, e-mail, fax, etc.).

Annulment of the competition

The Rector shall annul a competition which has been conducted in breach of the law.

A competition shall not be held in the case of an academic teacher:

  • assigned to work at a university on the basis of a contract concluded with the Łukasiewicz Centre, a Łukasiewicz Network institute or a foreign research institution;
  • being a beneficiary of an undertaking, programme or competition announced by NAWA, NCBiR, NCN or an international competition for a research project;
  • for the duration of a research or teaching project funded:
    • with funds from the European Union budget,
    • by another entity awarding a grant.

There is no requirement to hold a competition if an academic teacher is employed:

In order to change the position of an academic teacher as part of the internal promotion procedure, to be transferred to a position in another employment group and to be re-employed in the same position for an indefinite period of time, it is necessary to fulfil the conditions of employment (qualification requirements) for individual positions as laid down in the Statute.

Employment by means of:

internal promotion re-employment in the same position for an indefinite period transfer to a position in another employment group

is possible on the condition that no competition is required or if the Rector waives the competition.

The Rector agrees to waive the competition, in particular, in the case of promotion of an academic teacher to the position of university professor in the research and teaching employment group or research employment group, provided that they hold the academic degree of doctor habilitated and meet the criteria set out in Resolution No. 450 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of 26 June 2019 on the criteria to be met by members of the first academic councils of academic disciplines appointed by the Rector (UW Monitor of 2019, item 197).

The condition for employment under one of the above-mentioned procedures is to obtain the recommendation of the Committee for the Employment of Academic Teachers, which, according to the rules set out in Ordinance No. 104 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 27 September 2019 on defining the procedure for the employment of academic teachers, conducts an assessment of the academic teacher’s record and prospects for further development, and in the case of the position of professor or university professor – the assumption of which, according to the Statute, requires an opinion of the Senate – additionally to obtain a positive opinion of the Senate.

Who can initiate the procedure?

  • The Rector, on his own initiative, after consultation with the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit or, in the case of promotion to the position of professor in the research/teaching staff group and research staff group, of an academic teacher who holds the academic degree of doctor habilitated and meeting the criteria defined in §49, section 3 of the Statute of the University of Warsaw, at the request of the academic teacher and with the opinion of the dean of the faculty or head of the university-wide organisational unit in which the academic teacher performs their duties and responsibilities within the meaning of §114 of the Statute of the University of Warsaw.
  • The Rector at the request of the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit.

The dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit applies to the Rector for permission to initiate the procedure (the specimen of the application is appended to Ordinance No. 104 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 27 September 2019 on defining the procedure for the employment of academic teachers).

After receiving the Rector’s approval to initiate the procedure, the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit forwards the matter to the Committee for the Employment of Academic Teachers.

In the absence of the Rector’s approval, the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit may renew the application after one year unless circumstances justifying the application arise earlier (in particular, a significant increase in the employee’s record, the receipt of a grant or a change in research or teaching and learning needs).

Committee for the Employment of Academic Teachers

The Committee and its chairperson are appointed by the dean of a faculty or the head of a university-wide organisational unit after consultation with the faculty council or the council of the university-wide organisational unit if the rules and regulations of the unit provide for the appointment of a council. When the procedure is launched on the Rector’s initiative, the Committee and its chairperson are appointed by the Rector, but the dean or the head of a university-wide organisational unit may nominate candidates for the Committee.

The Committee may be either standing or ad hoc. The minimum composition of the Committee is 5 persons, of which:

  • at least 20% of the composition of the Committee shall be persons from outside the faculty or the university-wide organisational unit;
  • in the case of research and teaching employment group and research employment group, at least 20% of the members of the Committee shall additionally be appointed by the academic council of academic discipline, which is competent for the academic discipline in which the academic teacher carries out their academic activity.

The Committee’s proceedings

The Committee’s meetings are attended by at least half of its members but no less than 5 persons, including at least one person from outside the faculty or university-wide organisational unit and at least one person indicated by the academic council of academic discipline. Members of the committee may participate in its meetings by electronic means of communication (teleconference, videoconference).

In assessing the academic teacher’s record and perspectives for further development, the committee shall take into account, in particular:

  • the applicable employment conditions for individual positions of academic teachers as defined in the Statute of the University of Warsaw and other legislation;
  • the result of an interview with the academic teacher;
  • reviews and opinions (according to the figure below).
professor in the teaching employment group academic record, experience and teaching achievements head of the teaching and learning unit in which the employee performs the largest number of teaching hours
university professor in the research employment group or research and teaching employment group academic record, experience and achievements (achievements in a scientific discipline proving scientific independence, international experience, experience in managing research projects, significant teaching achievements, participation in the education process of scientific staff) at least two reviewers holding the academic title of professor or academic degree of habilitated doctor, including at least one from outside the University; reviewers are appointed by the Committee
university professor in the teaching employment group academic record, experience and achievements (significant scientific achievements, outstanding teaching achievements, scientific dissemination and organisational activity; achievements in initiating and directing teaching or organisational projects) at least one reviewer with the academic title of professor or academic degree of habilitated doctor and an opinion of the head of the teaching unit in which the academic teacher performs the greatest number of teaching hours; reviewers are appointed by the Committee
assistant professor, senior assistant in the research and teaching employment group scientific achievements and teaching experience opinion provided by the dean of the faculty or head of the university-wide organisational unit of the adviser
assistant professor, senior assistant in the teaching employment group high teaching skills (confirmed in particular by the results of student questionnaires and awards for teaching activity) opinion of the head of the teaching and learning unit in which the academic teacher performs the largest number of teaching hours
assistant in the teaching employment group preparation and qualifications for teaching opinion of the head of the teaching and learning unit in which the academic teacher performs the largest number of teaching hours


The requirement to hold the title or degree of habilitated doctor does not apply to reviewers with outstanding academic achievements and employed at universities or foreign institutions.

The requirement to hold the title or degree of habilitated doctor does not apply to reviewers who have outstanding scientific achievements and are employed at foreign universities or institutions.

In justified cases, the Committee may ask for additional opinions.

The Committee shall decide whether or not to recommend employment in a given position by an absolute majority.

The Chairperson of the Committee shall inform the dean of the faculty or the head of the university-wide organisational unit in writing of the outcome of the Committee’s work, together with the report (the secretary shall draw up the report on the Committee’s work).

Other positions

Employees who are not academic teachers may be employed in the following groups:

  • administration;
  • science and technology;
  • librarians;
  • editing and publishing;
  • IT;
  • instructors;
  • engineering and technology;
  • museum professionals;
  • services;
  • security;
  • drivers;
  • manual workers;

Positions, including managerial positions and minimum qualification requirements for employees who are not academic teachers, are defined in the Remuneration Rules and Regulations at the University of Warsaw.

The Rector is a one-person authority of the University. The Rector directs the activities of the University, represents the University externally and is the superior of the staff, students and doctoral students.

The Rector of the University is elected by the Electoral College. The Rector can be a person who:

1. meets the conditions specified in Article 24, section 1 of the Act:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • has not reached the age of 67 years by the date of the beginning of the term of office.

2. has at least the degree of a habilitated doctor;

3. is employed at the University as the primary workplace as a professor or a university professor (this condition must be fulfilled as of the date of the beginning of the term.

The term of office of the Rector is 4 years and begins on 1 September of the year in which he/she is elected.

The Vice-Rector – a managerial function at the University; appointed by the Rector. The term of office of the Vice-Rector is four years and begins on 1 September of the year in which the Rector is elected.

The Vice-Rector can be a person who:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • is employed at the University as the primary workplace as a professor or a university professor or has a habilitated doctor’s degree.

The appointment of a Vice-Rector whose responsibilities include student affairs or doctoral student affairs must be agreed with the student self-government body or the doctoral student self-government body, respectively.

The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs – a managerial function at the University. The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs is appointed by the Rector if the faculty organises and implements teaching and learning in a field or fields of studies. In order to appoint a Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, the consent of the relevant students’ self-government body is required.

The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs can be a person who:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • holds at least a doctoral degree and is employed at the University as the primary workplace.

The term of office of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs is four years and begins on 1 October of the year in which the Rector is elected.

The Dean – a managerial function at the University. The Dean is the head of the faculty. The Dean is appointed by the Rector at the request of the faculty electoral college. A candidate for a Dean can be a person who:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • is employed at the University as the primary workplace as a professor or a university professor or has a habilitated doctor’s degree.

The term of office of the Dean is 4 years and begins on 1 September of the year in which the Rector is elected.

The college director – a managerial function at the University. The college director manages a college – an organizational unit of the University that provides teaching and learning in at least three fields of studies. The college director is appointed by the Rector in consultation with the students’ self-government body and after consultation with the deans appropriate for the leading disciplines within which the fields of studies are organised in a given college. The college director may be a person who meets the following conditions:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • has at least a doctoral degree;
  • is employed at the University as the primary workplace.


The term of office of the college director is four years and begins on 1 October of the year in which the Rector is elected.

The director of the college of individual interdisciplinary studies – a managerial function at the University. The director of the college is in charge of the college of individual interdisciplinary studies, which is an organisational unit of the University that provides studies in fields classified to at least six academic disciplines belonging to at least two fields of studies, in such a way as to enable a student to obtain a higher education diploma in more than one field of studies. The director of the college of individual interdisciplinary studies shall be appointed by the Rector in agreement with the students’ self-government body after consultation with the University Council for Teaching and Learning. The college director may be a person who meets the following conditions:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • holds at least a doctoral degree;
  • is employed at the University as the primary workplace.

The term of office of the college director is four years and begins on 1 October of the year in which the Rector is elected.

The director of a doctoral school – a managerial function at the University. The director is in charge of a doctoral school – an organisational unit of the University which organises the teaching process of doctoral students in at least two scientific disciplines in which the University is authorised to confer academic degrees. The director of a doctoral school shall be appointed by the Rector in agreement with the relevant doctoral students’ self-government body from among candidates selected in a competition. A candidate for the director of a doctoral school may be a person who must fulfil the following conditions:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • holds a degree of habilitated doctor or the title of professor; the requirement to hold a habilitated doctor’s degree or the title of professor does not apply to persons with outstanding academic achievements conducting scientific research abroad.

The term of office of the director of a doctoral school is 4 years and begins on 1 January of the year following the year in which the Rector is elected.

The director of teaching and learning – a managerial function at the University. The director of teaching and learning is appointed by the Rector if a university-wide organisational unit organises and implements teaching and learning in a field or fields of studies. For the appointment of the director of teaching and learning, the consent of the relevant students’ self-government body is required.

The director of teaching and learning may be a person who:

  • has full capacity to perform acts in law;
  • enjoys full public rights;
  • has not been convicted of an intentional offence or an intentional fiscal offence under a final and binding judgment;
  • has not been punished by disciplinary action;
  • in the period from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, did not work in state security bodies within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on the disclosure of information on documents of the state security bodies from 1944-1990 and the content of such documents (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2186, as amended), did not serve in such bodies or cooperate with such bodies;
  • holds at least a doctoral degree and is employed at the University as the primary workplace

The term of office of the director of teaching and learning is four years and begins on 1 October of the year in which the Rector is elected.

The head of a university-wide organisational unit – a managerial function at the University. The head of the university-wide organisational unit is appointed and dismissed by the Rector in accordance with the rules laid down in the rules and regulations of this unit.

The head of the joint unit – a managerial function at the University. The head of the joint unit shall be appointed in accordance with the rules laid down in the agreement creating the unit.

The Chancellor – a managerial function at the University. The Chancellor is the head of the university administration. The Chancellor, whose candidacy was selected through a competition, is appointed by the Rector after consultation with the Senate. The conditions and procedure of the competition and the composition of the competition committee are defined by the Rector.

The Bursar – a managerial function at the University. The Bursar is the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Accountant of the University. The Rector appoints and dismisses the Bursar at the request of the Chancellor or on his own initiative from among the candidates selected through a competition.

The current job vacancies can be found here.